Legal Notice

Site publisher

The Site and the sites associated with its subdomains are published and operated by : The company AGAH SA

  • Legal Structure: SA au Capital de 53 170,00 €
  • Registration: 789 714 367 R.C.S Mâcon
  • Registration in the Atout France register: IM071160003
  • Financial Guarantee: APST
  • Professional Civil Liability: AXA
  • Head Office: Cité de l'Entreprise - Bâtiment Mb – 200 boulevard de la Résistance - 71000 Mâcon, France
  • Represented by Mr Antoine de Corson - CEO and Mr Baudouin de Saint André - CPO
  • Phone : +33 1 85 08 49 09

Site host servers and the sites associated with its sub-domains are hosted in France by the company :
OVH SAS - 2 rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix, France - R.C.S Lille Métropole 424 761 419

Declarations to the CNIL

The processing of personal data operated by AGAH SA from the site and the sites associated with its sub-domains has been the subject of a declaration n° 1667734 to the CNIL (Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés)

Website content

Every single element on this website and the websites associated with its sub-domains (texts, graphic elements, multimedia content, downloadable items) are the property of the company AGAH & their authors. Being able to view and save the resources available to another medium does not in any case give the right to delete, modify or use them for commercial purposes without permission of the company.

Data in this website is provided for information without any implicit or explicit guarantee. AGAH disengages from any lawful or unlawful use of materials on this website. All information on this website may contain technical and / or typographical errors.

If you notice problems concerning the website content, feel free to contact the person in charge of publishing.