Terms of Service

This document aims at defining the terms and conditions according to which the SA AGAH Company, hereinafter named "The PUBLISHER" and running the Backyou website displayed online at https://backyou.app, on the one hand, makes available for web users (the WEB USER) the website and the services it offers, and on the other hand, defines the way the WEB USER accesses the website and uses the services. In this document, the term "WEB USER" refers to both referenced partner hotels (the REFERENCED PARTNER) and internet visitors looking for information on the services offered (the FINAL CUSTOMER).

All connexions to the website are subject to the respect of the terms and conditions of service described in his document.

For the WEB USER, accessing the website with the following URL: backyou.app, implies full acceptance of the conditions described hereinafter.

Intellectual  property

Any reproduction of the website, even in part, other than described in L.122-5 of “Code de la propriété intellectuelle” (the French Intellectual Property Code) cannot be made without the PUBLISHER’s consent.

Hypertext  links

The backyou.app website can contain hyperlinks to other sites on the web. Clicking on these links makes you leave the backyou.app website.

You may create a link to the backyou.app homepage, even though you are not specifically authorized to do so by the PUBLISHER. The PUBLISHER cannot request any authorization or previous request for information from a website wishing to make a link to his own website. However, the website will have to open in a new browser window. Besides the PUBLISHER reserves right to ask for cancellation of a link that he deems not to be in compliance with the aims of https//backyou.app.

PUBLISHER’s  responsibility

The service offered by the PUBLISHER is strictly limited to referencing the REFERENCED PARTNERS.

Consequently all orders, requests for quote or requests for information are made directly between the REFERENCED PARTNER and the FINAL CUSTOMER. The PUBLISHER does not act as an intermediary in these matters.

The PUBLISHER is not a travel agency as defined by the French Code of Tourism (articles L.212-1 and following), and does not intend to act as one.

The order of the service is therefore fully subject to the Terms and Conditions of service of the REFERENCED PARTNER. The Terms described herewith only govern the referencing service offered by the PUBLISHER.

Any dispute, contention and, more generally, any issue regarding the transaction that follows the deal shall be settled directly between the FINAL CUSTOMER and the REFERENCED PARTNER.

The information and/or documentation available on this website or via this website stem from sources considered as reliable. However the information and/or documentation are liable to contain technical inaccuracies or typos. The PUBLISHER retains the right to correct the mistakes as soon as he becomes aware of them.

The information and/or documentation available on this website may be modified at any time and may also be updated. The information and/or documentation may have been updated between their download and the moment the FINAL CUSTOMER reads them.

In any case, the FINAL CUSTOMER should regard the information as mere indications. It is strongly recommended that he or she checks the accuracy and reliability of the information when they get in touch with the REFERENCED PARTNER.

The WEB USER shall assume full liability for the use of information and/or documentation available on this website; therefore they shall assume all the consequences that may stem from use of the information and/or documentation, and the PUBLISHER shall not be prosecuted for that matter.

The PUBLISHER shall in no way be held responsible for any damages of any kind resulting from the interpretation or use of the information and/or documentation available on this website.

Access to  the website

The PUBLISHER strives to allow access to the website 24/7, except in cases of force majeure or any event out of the PUBLISHER’s control, subject to possible breakdowns or servicing interventions that guarantee the normal run of the website and its services.

Consequently the PUBLISHER cannot guarantee either the availability of the website and/or its attached services, or reliability of data transmission and performance in terms of response time (ping) or quality. No technical assistance shall be provided to the WEB USER either by electronic messaging or by phone.

In case of unavailability of access to the website or to its different services, the PUBLISHER shall not be held responsible.

Besides, the PUBLISHER may block access to the website or stop some of the services offered at any time, without previous notice, and this shall not grant the right to any compensation. The WEB USER acknowledges that the PUBLISHER is not responsible either for interruption of service or for the consequences that might impact the WEB USER or any third party.

Modifications of  the Terms of service

The PUBLISHER reserves his right to modify these Terms of use at any time and without previous notice, in order to adapt the text to the website’s evolutions and servicing.

Rules of use   for the Internet

The WEB USER states that he or she accepts the specific features and limitations of the Internet, including the following:

  • The PUBLISHER disclaims all liability for the services available online; he has no control whatsoever regarding the nature and the features of the data that might be processed through his data server.
  • The WEB USER acknowledges that Internet data are not protected against possible misuse. The presence of the Backyou logo induces a mere presumption of validity. If the WEB USER disseminates critical or confidential data online, he or she does so at their own risk.
  • The WEB USER acknowledges that the data flowing on the internet can be regulated by the law or covered by property rights.
  • The WEB USER is the sole liable for the use of the data that he or she uses, refers to and transfers on the internet.
  • The WEB USER acknowledges that the PUBLISHER holds no sway over the contents of services available on the Internet.

Specific regulations  for REFERENCED PARTNERS

The https//backyou.app website allows the REFERENCED PARTNER to control the contents of his page and to modify them for free.

In order to do so, a representative of the REFERENCED PARTNER must make himself known to the PUBLISHER by clicking on the “I OWN THIS HOTEL” button, which accompanies each hotel description.

By taking control on his or her page, the REFERENCED PARTNER:

  • States that he is fully enabled to put the contents online as a legal representative or a proxy authorized by the REFERENCED PARTNER
  • Has read the present Terms and conditions of service and accepts them without any reservation
  • Certifies that the information displayed on his page duly follows all current legal and statutory legislation
  • States that he is the sole entity liable for the information on his page, which he certifies sincere and in line with reality
  • Commits to guarantee the PUBLISHER against prosecution as well as judicial and extrajudicial fees that he might have to bear, following a procedure launched by a third party due to the information displayed on his page
  • Gives up any action for damages against the PUBLISHER

Processing of  personal data

In accordance with Act n°78-17 of 6 January 1978 on information technology, data files and civil liberties (the French « Loi informatique et libertés »), the Backyou website was declared to CNIL (Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés, the French Data Protection Authority). The identifiable information that you will post on the website is for the sole use of the PUBLISHER ; therefore it will be used on external circumstances for the sole purpose of website processing or in order to comply with legal and regulatory obligations.

The PUBLISHER respects the WEB USERS’ privacy. Therefore he commits to collect and process personal data, in accordance with Act n°78-17 of 6 January 1978 on Information technology, data files and civil liberties. In accordance with articles 39 and following of the Law on Information technology, data files and civil liberties, the PUBLISHER guarantees to all WEB USERS a right to access, block and modify their personal data.

Applicable  law

The French law governs both the Backyou website and its Terms of service, wherever the WEB USER is located. In the event of a dispute, if an amicable solution cannot not be reached, the Mâcon Tribunal of Commerce shall be the only jurisdiction enabled to judge this dispute.